Next Level Potjie Potatoes

Pesto Princess © Potjie Potatoes

Hello #LoyalRoyals

We’re gifting you a secret family recipe for the most perfect, golden, crispy potatoes ever… cooked in a potjie! If you’re feeling generous, screenshot this recipe and WhatsApp it immediately to your family group 🙂 They’re that good. And you won’t be sorry you cooked so many 😉

Serve with our South African-style Christmas feast!

Happy, happy from all of us
HRH Kathleen

You will need

2 kg big potatoes, peeled
1500 ml water
1500 ml canola oil
100 g spring onions
250 ml double thick yoghurt
Sea salt to taste
130 g Pesto Princess Harissa Paste
3 tsp Maldon salt

How to

1. Prepare a medium-sized fire. Once the coals are ready, place the potjie pot on top. Add the potatoes, water and oil and cook for two hours. Resist any urge to stir! The secret here is that the water will evaporate and the oil will crisp-up the outside of the potatoes so they are a golden.


2. Cut spring onions up into thin slithers, keep aside for serving.

3. Combine Pesto Princess Harissa Paste and yoghurt, season and keep aside.

4. When the potatoes are crisp and cooked through (this can take up to 2 hours from start to finish), remove them very carefully from the potjie pot. They will be extremely hot, so take care.

5. Serve with a scattering of spring onions, a sprinkle of Maldon Salt and the harissa dip on the side.

Serves 6–8.

Potjie Potatoes 2

Serve these potatoes with Relaxed Christmas Braai.

Potjie Potatoes

Food creative team: Aletta Lintvelt, Bianca Strydom and Michelle Parkin.


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