
Dining solo

Making and sharing food is one of life’s most enjoyable communal pleasures, but our busy lives dictate that at some point we’ll need to eat alone and while most of us do solo breakfast and lunch with ease, somehow dinner for one feels different.  In our household of two adults and two teenagers, a business […]


Mom! M’ungry!

There’s something undeniably magical about watching your pre-adolescent children savour every bite of their food. It makes dinner-time feel like a scene from Little House on the Prairie. As much as I love cooking however, there’s something undeniably unmagical when you’re the one responsible for filling those bottomless pits. If they’re not swinging from the […]

#PimpMySummer Slushies
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Pimped Coconut Slushies

Lemmings. I’ve thought about this some and have concluded that at heart, we’re all really just a bunch of lemmings. Naturally I don’t mean this literally – though a few people of my acquaintance do bear an uncanny resemblance to these small thickset rodents. I’m referring of course to our love of following the pack, […]

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Die Augustuswinde het nog nie eers begin waai nie en toe is die somer op ons. Die skielike en welverdiende somer wat ons getref het, moes dringend ingelyf en gevier word. So hou ons toe op die voorlaaste Sondag van Augustus, eintlik nog ‘n winter-Sondag, ‘n Pesto-en-Prawnbraai. Of beter in Afrikaans bekend, ‘n Pesto-en-Garnaalbraai. Die […]