Crunchy Tempura Veggies

Pesto Princess © Crunchy Tempura Veggies

Hello #LoyalRoyals

If you’re looking to add some extra flair to your bowl of Pesto Princess soup, why not try these crunchy tempura veggies? We LOVE how they #spruceyoursoup!

An enormous thank you for your support, as always. It’s making a big difference to so many.*

With much gratitude
HRH Kathleen

*Every time you buy one of our Pesto Princess soups, you are also donating a hot meal (via Ladles of Love) to someone who finds themselves living on the streets. Spread the word! Find our range of fresh Pesto Princess soups in the fridges of your local SPAR or Wellness Warehouse in the Western Cape.

You will need

½ cup self-raising flour
½ cup cornflour (Maizena)
½ tsp salt
½ tsp sugar
3 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup water
2 cups chopped veggies – make sure they are all cut roughly the same size. We love mushrooms, snow peas, green beans, asparagus, peppers, Tenderstem® broccoli, zucchini and kale.
2 cups oil for frying* – you might need more or less depending on the size of your pot

How to

1. Chop your veggies so that they are roughly the same size. You’re looking to end up with 2–3 cupfuls for this amount of batter.

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2. To make the batter, combine the self-raising flour, cornflour, salt and sugar. Add the oil and water then mix thoroughly with a balloon whisk until totally smooth. If there are some stubborn lumps, use the back of a spoon to press them against the bowl. Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes.

3. When you’re ready to make the tempura, heat about two cups of oil over medium to high heat. Dip the veggies in the batter and, one-by-one, lower them gently into the hot oil. Be careful! Cook for about 2–3 minutes until golden and crispy.

4. Drain on a paper towel while you prepare the rest of your tempura and heat up your soup.

*It’s best to heat oil in a thick-bottomed, high-walled pot (or wok) to avoid splatters. Use a vegetable based oil, like peanut/canola oil and heat to approx. 180°C. You can ‘drop test’  by popping in a small drop of batter, if it fizzles and bubbles around in the oil, then you are ready.

Float these crunchy bites in your favourite Pesto Princess soup, with a garnish of fresh herbs. Or you can serve them on the side as a crunchy dipper.

Either way, #spruceyoursoup.

Feeds 2 people.

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Food styling and photography by Michelle Parkin.


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