Party Eggs with Chimichurri


Everyone knows Dr Suess and his wacky books for children. The Cat in the Hat certainly helped to make reading fun for my six-year old self, but it was not until I started reading to my own children that I met The Grinch.

Here are his Christmas conclusions:

“Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store.

Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”

We’ve taken a 1950’s retro appetizer and given it new meaning using Chimichurri, one of our hot new products. If you’re having friends over, they’ll appreciate a plate of these put in front of them. Michael Olivier recommends a classic white blend from Zevenwacht as a great drinking partner.

Our wish for you, dear #loyalroyals, is that you have the most memorable, meaningful Christmas ever!

Until next year, take care
HRH Kathleen

You will need
12 hard-boiled eggs, free range would be nice
¼ cup mayonnaise
3 tbsps Pesto Princess Chimichurri
Salt & pepper
50g smoked trout
Radishes, finely sliced on a mandolin
Micro greens, or baby herb shoots from your garden

How to
1. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes, until they’re hard-boiled, and refresh in cold water
2. When cool enough to handle, peel and cut into two neat halves.
3. Remove the yolks with care, and mix with mayonnaise and Chimichurri in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper, and beat with a hand held whisk until smooth and creamy.
4. Fit a large, star-shaped nozzle to a piping bag and fill with the egg yolk mixture. Pipe into the cavity of the waiting eggs. If piping bags take you out of your comfort zone, simplify the process by spooning the mixture into the eggs 😉
5. Top with a flourish of smoked trout, a few radish slices and the micro greens.

Feeds 10

Michael Olivier’s Choice

The Tin Mine White 2014 from Zevenwacht

The Tin Mine 2014 classic white blend from Zevenwacht, with its undertow of marzipan is perfect for Christmas quaffing.

It looks like: Elegant, classic labelling with touches of silver. Pale golden straw in the glass, gem bright and inviting.
It smells like: Tropical fruits, ripe and exotic. Oak spice and an undertow of marzipan.
It tastes like: Generosity of fruit – tropical, guava, desiccated pineapple, ripe winter melon, soft dried yellow cling peaches and apricots. Full palate with the aromas and flavours of fruit, as well as the oak. The aftertaste is long, clean and refreshing.

This one’s a ‘laster’ and will happily reward you in 3 to 5 years’ time as it has all the components required for good aging.

Recipe, styling & photography – Sam Linsell
Art direction & design – Roxanne Spears of Good Design


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