Pesto Patés

peso pates

We’re all about celebrating #awesomeautumn this April, which happens to have the best weather, and plenty public holidays for picnicking. Use our deliciously simple recipes to fill your basket, grab a bottle and a blanket, and enjoy some downtime outdoors. The best picnic spots in the Cape are just aclick away.

Red Pepper Pesto Hummus

Couldn’t be easier: mix all the ingredients with a stick blender or food processor, and check seasoning. If there are any leftovers, add to lunchboxes with crackers or crudités.

400g tin of chickpeas, drained
130g jar of Pesto Princess Red Pepper Pesto
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp tahina paste
2 tsp lemon juice
small bunch of fresh basil leaves
salt & pepper to taste

Goats Cheese & Basil Pesto Paté

At room temperature, this yummy mixture has the consistency of a dip. To turn into a paté, simply refrigerate for an hour or so.

250g cream cheese
100g goats cheese*
3 tbsp Pesto Princess Basil Pesto
salt and pepper to taste

Blend ingredients with an electric whisk or food processor until smooth, keeping back 1 tbsp basil pesto to swirl decoratively over the top, and serve with crunchy pita chips.
*The palace is partial to the Fairview chevin log

Palace Pita Chips

4 pita breads
1/2 cup olive oil
salt & pepper
dried mixed herbs
1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)

Preheat oven to 200°C. Slice pita breads in half horizontally and brush the insides with olive oil, which you have already infused with mixed herbs and / or crushed garlic, and some salt and pepper. Cut each round into quarters. Place the triangles on baking tray and bake for 4 – 6 minutes until golden brown. Turn and bake for a further 2 minutes. Allow to cool and serve. Pita chips can be made in bulk and stored in an airtight container.

Microwave pita breads for 30 seconds until they puff up. This separates them, making the slicing easier.


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