Homemade Fish fingers + Asian Fish Finger Butty

Pesto Princess © Asian Fish Finger Butty

Hello #LoyalRoyals

We’ve stumbled on a little gem we’d love to share 🙂

Homemade Fish Fingers!

Our version with pesto is so easy to make that kids could get this together. Well, maybe with a little supervision 😉

Pair them with sweet potato chips for a quick mid-week supper or plonk one on a fresh roll with crunchy Asian slaw for the zingiest lunch.

Two meals sorted in one go.

With much finger-licking and appreciation for your support as always.
HRH Kathleen

Homemade Fish Fingers with Pesto

When you’re asked to share one of your best recipes for a school charity fundraiser, a friend’s pre-wedding tea or with that miracle-worker cousin who’s putting together a big fat family recipe book, these Homemade Fish Fingers could well be That Recipe.

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Asian Fish Finger Butty

Crispy pesto fish fingers with a zingy Asian slaw? Snack attack perfection! You’ll hardly have to spend any time in the kitchen if you took our suggestion and made these fish fingers for last night’s supper.

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Photography by Michelle Parkin.
Recipes and styling by Aletta Lintvelt.

Food Assistant: Bianca Strydom.


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