Rainbow Trout with Basil & Chilli Pesto

Pesto Princess © Rainbow Trout

Hello #LoyalRoyals

The holidays are coming! What we’re most looking forward to (aside from stepping out of the fast lane for a few weeks) is celebrating Christmas with family and friends, South African style. This year, it’s all about local, fresh ingredients served simply and casually around the braai.

I hope to spend less time in the kitchen, more time in the sunshine (most of our festive recipes this year, can even be prepared outside), and a good few hours catching up after a busy year with those who mean the world.

Wishing you the most wonderful summer in this beautiful place we call home.
HRH Kathleen

You will need

1 rainbow trout, cleaned and with the skin on (we bought ours from Three Streams).*
1 lemon, sliced thickly
20 g fresh thyme
3 tbsp olive oil
2 fresh garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1 jar Pesto Princess Basil & Chilli Pesto
15 g fresh basil
1 red chilli, thinly sliced
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste

* We chose rainbow trout, but you can also use any SASSI-friendly whole fish.

How to

1. Season the inside of the fish generously and stuff with the lemon slices, fresh thyme and garlic.

2. Now season the outside of the fish with olive oil, sea salt and black pepper and clamp it in a braai grid, ready for the fire.


3. Assess your coals and once they reach medium heat, cook the fish and turn regularly, taking care not to overcook it. A small fish, like our rainbow trout, will be done in approximately 20 minutes. If you’re nervous about the skin sticking to the braai grid, you can oven roast the fish at 180°C on a lined baking sheet.

4. Once cooked, place the fish on a serving platter, spread the Pesto Princess Basil & Chilli Pesto on top and garnish with basil leaves and fresh chilli slices.

Serve with any of our delicious festive menu recipes and enjoy!

Serves 6


Food creative team: Aletta Lintvelt, Bianca Strydom and Michelle Parkin.


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