Roasted Veggie Quesadilla

Hello #LoyalRoyals

Burgers, steak, sosaties… you probably wouldn’t think twice about cooking these over the coals.

But what about quesadillas?*

The inspiration for this unique braaibroodjie came from our friend, Amoré Burger, of Credé Oils and her unique take on the braaibroodjie! We’ve put our own spin on the original recipe, and have to tell you that the smoky flavours mingled with pesto and oozy cheese make hunting for last season’s braai grid totally worth it!

Grab a good glass of vino or an ice cold beer. Call up your friends and introduce them to this unusual braaibroodjie.

With love from all at the Palace
HRH Kathleen

* a Mexican flour tortilla, which can easily be replaced by a wrap if your supermarket does not stock tortillas.

You will need
400 g chopped fresh Mediterranean veggies (baby marrows, butternut, peppers and red onion work well)
4 tortillas or wholegrain wraps
3 Tbsp Pesto Princess Rocket Pesto
100 g grated mozzarella
Cream cheese (optional)
1 Tbsp olive oil or 2 Tbsp melted butter, mixed with 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped

How to

1. Prepare a braai grid (one that can close) with oil and set aside.

2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Spread cut Mediterranean veggies onto a roasting tray and drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and roast for about 10-15 minutes. Once the veggies are ready, start assembling the braai quesadilla.


3. Place one wrap on your work surface, spread with pesto and sprinkle with a third of the grated cheese and a third of the roasted veggies. If you are using cream cheese as well, spread this onto the bottom of the next wrap and place the cream cheese side down onto the mozzarella and pesto base. Continue layering and end with a ‘naked’ wrap on top.

4. Carefully transfer to a braai grid, brush with olive oil or garlic butter and secure before placing over a gentle fire until the cheese has melted and the wrap has taken on a golden colour.

5. Slice with a pizza cutter and share!


Recipe and food styling by Michelle Parkin.


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